Skin Biopsy
What is a skin biopsy?
During your skin examination, if your skin lesion appears suspicious, a biopsy might be necessary to evaluate the tissue by experienced skin pathologists. You will receive a local anaesthetic (lignocaine) to numb the biopsy site. This is usually given by injection with a thin needle. The numbing medication can cause a burning sensation in the skin for a few seconds. After the injection you shouldn’t feel any pain or discomfort during the skin biopsy for 2 hours.
- shave biopsy, a shave blade is used to cut the tissue. The depth of the incision varies depending on the type of biopsy and the part of the body being biopsied. A shave biopsy causes bleeding. Bleeding is stopped by electrocoagulation and applying pressure.
- punch biopsy and excisional biopsy, the procedure involves cutting into the top layer of fat beneath the skin, so stitches or steri-strips may be needed to close the wound. A dressing or adhesive bandage is then placed over the site to protect the wound and prevent bleeding.

What should I expect after a skin biopsy?
After the biopsy keep the bandage over the biopsy site until the next day. Occasionally, the biopsy site bleeds after you leave the doctor’s office. This is more likely in people taking blood-thinning medications. If this occurs, apply direct pressure to the wound for 10 to 20 minutes. If bleeding continues, contact your health care provider.
All biopsies cause a small scar. Some people develop a prominent, raised scar. The risk of this is increased when a biopsy is done on the neck or upper torso, such as the back or chest. Initially, the scar will be pink and then fade to white or sometimes brown. Scars fade gradually. The scar’s permanent color will be evident one or two years after the biopsy.
Avoid activities that might stretch the skin. Stretching the skin could cause the wound to bleed or enlarge the scar.
Healing of the wound can take several weeks, but is usually complete within two months. Wounds on legs and feet tend to heal slower than those on other areas of the body.
What should I do after the biopsy?
After 24 hours you can have a shower and remove the dressing:
- Wash your hands with soap and water
- Wash the biopsy site with soap and water. If the biopsy site is on your scalp, use shampoo. Wash the area gently, do not rub or scrape the site.
- Rinse the site well.
- Pat the site dry with a clean towel.
- apply Vaseline ointment (from new tube) on the area few times a day. You want to make sure the site is always moist. If you see that the area is dry, apply the ointment. You do not want a scab to form. You should keep the area covered with a thin layer of ointment at all times until the site is completely healed (usually10 days). If a shave biopsy was done, the wound will take as long as a scraped knee to heal. You should apply ointment. A scab may form, but do not pick it.
- You may continue covering the site with an bandage in case of bleeding, oozing, friction, or heavy / drity work. Choose a dressing that allows the skin to ventilate ( e.g. Primapore, or Fixomull).
- Contact your doctor 7 days after the biopsy to get your result.
What the complications of skin biopsy?
Skin biopsy, if performed properly and looked after well at home, is relatively a low risk procedure. Pain, bleeding, infections and scar are the main problems that can happen after a skin biopsy.
Call your doctor if you have:
- Pain that gets worse a few days after the procedure
- A lot of swelling
- Bleeding which persists. If you have bleeding, apply firm pressure over the gauze pad for 10 minutes. If it doesn’t stop after 10 minutes, apply pressure again for 20 minutes. If bleeding persists, call your doctor. It is normal to have some blood on your gauze pad after the procedure.
- A temperature above 38 C for 24 hours
- Redness, warmth, swelling, puslike drainage at site.
How will I find out about my biopsy result?
Getting your result
How will I find out about my result?
Contact the clinic 7 days after your biopsy procedure and enquire about your result. A copy of the histology result can be forwarded to you if requested.