
Phototherapy is an evidence based and scientifically proven noninvasive treatment used in a wide variety of medical and aesthetic conditions such as facial acne, wound healing, pre-cancer sunspots, psoriasis, skin rejuvenation and even jaundice in newborn babies.


Phototherapy is indicated in mild to moderate acne with red pimples/ According to the American Academy of Dermatology, Phototherapy “show great promise in treating acne” with many people experiencing a significant improvement in their skin health after a number of sessions. Research shows at least 65% improvement after 4 weeks and over 80% patient satisfaction with this non invasive treatment.




acne sunspots


No downtime
Mild reaction

cost effective

& effective

Healing effects of light

Light has proven biological effects utilised in medicine as “bio-photonic therapy” or simply phototherapy. Bacteria in acne are eradicated by intense blue wavelength phototherapy. Phototherapy also stimulates collagen synthesis and growth factors in the dermis. This results in lifting and tightening lax skin and the reduction of fine wrinkles.


What are the advantages of phototherapy compared to other treatments?

  • Safe, gentle and painless
  • drug-free
  • appropriate for all areas of the body
  • no scarring
  • safe in pregnancy/ breastfeeding

Are there any risks?

Phototherapy does not appear to pose any serious long-term effects. However, some minor adverse reactions may be experienced, such as temporary redness, pigmentation, dry skin and mild swelling.

People with the rare condition known as porphyria, lupus and those allergic to porphyrin should avoid blue light therapy.

How is it carried out?

Phototherapy is carried out 8 times over a 4-week period. Each session lasts 15-30 minutes, depending on the severity of the acne and the size of the area of the body being treated. Remove the makeup before the treatment. You will be provided with goggles to protect the eyes while you lie or sit under a blue light for the duration of the treatment. Most people do not experience any pain or discomfort. Following treatment, some inflammation and redness may be noticeable around the treated area, although this should resolve quickly. Makeup can usually be applied immediately.

Results are noticeable within 2- 4 weeks. Between treatments, you should avoid touching or picking the blemishes on their skin. Follow-up sessions might be required to maintain results.

For further details about phototherapy visit
