How much Sunlight do I need to get Vitamin D?

How much Sunlight do I need to get Vitamin D?

  • Post last modified:November 22, 2016
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Vitamin D is necessary for optimal bone and muscle function. It helps absorption of calcium from the intestine and also acts in strengthening the bone. Vitamin D also contributes to muscle strength. Deficiency of vitamin D can affect the bone health and could cause fractures in the elderly. Surprising, vitamin D deficiency is not uncommon in Australia. About  one third of Australians have vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin D is produced through the exposure of skin to ultraviolet B radiation in sunlight. For most of us daylight  is the main source of vitamin D. The amount of sun exposure required vary based on geographical location, season, area of skin exposed and skin colour.Here is the recommendation from Osteoporosis Australia to achieve adequate levels of  vitamin D.  Skin cancer patients or those at risk of skin cancer should talk to their doctors about their safe level of sun exposure.



Moderately fair skin

How long?

5-10 minutes, most days

7-30 minutes (depending on latitude), most days

Body area exposed?

Arms exposed (or equivalent)

Arms exposed (or equivalent)


At mid morning or at mid afternoon (at 10am or at 2pm standard time ie: 11am or 3pm daylight saving). Avoid peak UV times


Darker skin

How long?

15-60 minutes, most days

20min – 3hrs** (depending on latitude), most days

Body area exposed?

Arms exposed (or equivalent)

Arms exposed (or equivalent)


At mid morning or at mid afternoon (at 10 am or at 2pm standard time ie: 11am or 3pm daylight saving). Avoid peak UV times
